My Top 5 Local Businesses Who Support Creatives July 25 2014
I'm so lucky to live in a large metropolitan area which supports creative making. As a maker, I have many local businesses that provide resources, classes, and networking for people like me. If I want to learn or try out a new craft (such as hand-weaving) there are studios and classes to do just that. If I need to network with other creative-types, there are groups to that as well. I remember just a few years ago, none of these resources or businesses even existed. Well, there were very limited - such as those classes held in the large crafty chain stores but they never seemed original or unique to me.
These local businesses (many of which are women-owned) provide workspace studios, specialized equipment and teaching to learn whatever craft or technique you want to try or master. So, here are my top 5 local businesses who support creatives (in no particular order):
Creative Outlet Studios - The studio was borne out of a desire to provide broader access to quality and unique equipment and supplies and is owned by a Mother/Daughter team. The studio is a fully equipped creative workspace supporting many mediums and workshops in an inspiring community environment.
Academy of Handmade - The goal of the academy is to strengthen new and existing handmade businesses by connecting the handmade business community through meaningful relationships. The academy sponsors an annual awards ceremony for handmade businesses and provides ongoing workshops and events to support everything handmade.
Makery Craft Co. - Aims to bring together a community that fosters handmade and D.I.Y. culture by providing affordable access to a creative education. Located in Anaheim, CA.
Peoples Pop-Up - Owner Philip Graulty created People’s Pop-Up to connect teaching artisans with local businesses and bring DIY craft classes to the masses. Their full schedule of workshops has just begun and many classes are held at local venues throughout the greater Los Angeles area.
Unique Space - A fresh, modern workplace in downtown LA's Arts District and home to innovation, creativity, collaboration and entrepreneurship! They offer a monthly event calendar featuring every type of class from chocolate-making to front-end web development.
What local businesses support your creative inclinations? Let us know, we'd love to share.